Associate Degree Vs Bachelor Degree at Education

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Education - Associate Degree Vs Bachelor Degree
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Associate Degree Vs Bachelor Degree

Associate Degree Vs. Bachelor Degree

There really are few ways to compare a two - year education with a four - year education that would be fair to either degree program. The truth of the matter is that both are excellent for certain things while both also offer serious limitations. When it comes to pros and cons they both have their own set of both that make excellent food for thoughts.

Two - Year Education


When it comes to a two - year college program there are several things you should consider in its favor before you take the plunge. First of all, you should keep in mind that the degree or certification at the end of your studies doesn't necessarily indicate the end of your education. Two - year degrees are excellent starting points for four - year degrees but also allow you the option to venture out into the workplace with your own skills and knowledge that will allow you greater earning potential than a high school diploma. You will also have the benefit of entering the work place much sooner with an associate's degree than with a bachelor's degree. Most importantly for many who are limited by budgets, two - year colleges offer an affordable alternative for an education or even the first two years of your education.


The biggest cons that most people find when it comes to getting a two - year degree is the growing competition for limited jobs. In fact, it is difficult to remain competitive in any industry when there are more and more entering the work force with bachelor's degrees. It is simply more difficult to maintain a competitive edge with only a two - year degree though it is not impossible. The other obvious con when it comes to two - year college degrees is that fact that some positions will not even consider anyone with less than a four - year degree. This means that you aren't even in the running required to worry about competition.

Four - Year Degrees


A bachelor's degree will earn you far greater earning potential in your lifetime than a high school education without a doubt. It will also place you in a position of serious competition within your chosen field or industry. This means that you will often be given preference when seeking jobs over those who do not have degrees or those with lesser degrees regardless of experience. There is also not enough that can be said about the personal confidence that goes along with earning your degree. You will find that you are much more confident on both a personal and a professional level once you've earned your bachelor's degree.


The single largest con associated with a bachelor's degree is the expense. Both in terms of time and money bachelor's degrees exact a price. You should be certain that you are both willing and able to pay that price before setting out to get your degree.

Regardless of whether a two - year degree or a four - year degree is in your personal best interest at the moment neither are a waste of time or effort. I hope that you will eventually seek a four - year degree, as this will give you a competitive edge in business, however, even the smallest improvement in your education level can mean big changes over the course of your lifetime. Sometimes it helps to improve your education in steps. Take one class at a time until you have your associate's degree then repeat until you have your bachelor's degree. Good luck!

About The Author:

Peter Dobler is a veteran in the IT business. His passion for experimenting with new internet marketing strategies leads him to explore new niche markets.
Read more about his experience with education; visit


2nd Education - Associate Degree Vs Bachelor Degree 2nd Education - Learn all about education, including child education, adult education special education and so forth. Education - Learn all about education, including child education, adult education special education and so forth.



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